Saturday, August 5, 2017

Virtual Reality in Human Computer Interaction

All of you work with computers and machines every day. Does any of you think about the ways in which computers are interacting with us in the real world?
And then, no amaze there, you can go there with the ubiquitous computing and VR and AR. Ubiquitous computing brings you into the real world with computers. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality together make the real world in your own computers.

 “What do we imagine when thinking of a computer?”

Many answers are there and all answers differ one another as humans interact with computers in different ways. Human Computer Interaction makes the efficient and effective way of interaction through the software and hardware designs to recognize and interpret human characteristics and behavior.

HCI technologies enhance Virtual Reality experiences by varnishing more natural and effective ways for user to interact with virtual environment. VR creates simulated environment and places the user inside a 3D world experience by transforming computer into a gatekeeper to this new world.
Headsets allow users to “hear” and “see” the virtual world. DataGlove is used to achieve the gesture recognition. Eyegaze makes users to indicate the direction and whole body positions are sensed. These are the virtual reality technologies used in human computer interaction. Users can experience life-like situations with VR.

Virtual reality and HCI are growing industry. 3D user interfaces will interact with humans in near future by replacing the window based interfaces and machines. Revolutions in every field will happen with newest VR and HCI techniques and let’s see the future amazing world through this.

Written by: Malsha Prabuddhi

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